Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th

We had a fairly relaxing 4th of July. In the morning we met up with the Davis's to watch the Burleson parade. Braden and Kendall had a good time. And it ended before it got unbarably hot, which mom and dad appreciated. After the parade the ladies went to a big garage sale nearby and the guys walked over to a tea party that they held at city hall, right across the street from where we watched the parade.

From 4th of July 2009

From 4th of July 2009

From 4th of July 2009

From 4th of July 2009

Burleson is a fairly small town by DFW standards but I'd guess there were 100-200 people there. We didn't stay very long but I did hear some of the opening remarks. It was definitely not the "clinging to their guns and bibles" crowd that some politicians would have you believe make up these things. It was encouraging to see this kind of grassroots effort to bring some sanity back to our government and I hope it will continue.
From 4th of July 2009

From 4th of July 2009

In the evening we lit off some illegal fireworks in the backyard. I didn't know they were illegal when I bought them... apparently all of the fireworks stores are just outside city limits and NO fireworks (I presume not even sparklers) are allowed inside city limits. I suppose it's too minor of an issue to start a tea party for, but banning fireworks is just one more way the government is controlling our lives. What I do on my private property with fireworks I purchased legally 5 miles away is none of their business.